Through Picture

We collected charts and photos that show the characteristic of Komatsu Kogyo. Not very well known, but it's a pretty good company.

Stable Profit Every Year

The 2008 financial crisis overcame without a deficit, and has recorded stable profit thereafter. This is evidence that high value-added production is carried out in Komatsu Kogyo, and the system of company that can respond flexibly to business condition is in place.

Show stable profit every year

Hiring New Graduates Regardless of Business Condition

We are recruiting motivated young people regularly and stably and in recent years, female employee activities have become more prominent also. From now on, We would like to recruit and develop personnel who can be active and want to spread their wing to global competition.

Hiring New Graduates Regardless of Business Condition

Half of Komatsu's employee is 20's and 30's!

A number that shows the spirit of Komatsu Kogyo. 30% of employee is teens and 20's. If 30's include, then it will reach 50% of all employees. We can challenge because we are young and full spirit. This is also the strength of Komatsu Kogyo.

>Half of Komatsu's employee is 20's and 30's!

We have 1500 types of product

The number of product which manufactured and handled by Komatsu Kogyo is 1500 types. As a respond to the needs of our customer, we have realized a small-lot, high-mix production with mobility.

We have 1500 types of product

We held company tour throughout Japan and abroad also

We held company trip with destination from East Japan to West Japan every year. The company bears some of travel expense. Komatsu Kogyo is a company with lots of events, such as voluntary barbecue, or travel to Thailand and Indonesia.

We held a tour company with destination throughout Japan, and voluntary tour abroad also

The reinforced concrete floor dormitory is complete!

This is employee dormitory with total 21 rooms which takes a minute from the head office. Each room can be locked individually, so privacy is protected and safe. Of course, the room has kitchen and bathroom. We also provide internet connection.

The reinforced concrete floor dormitory is complete!

Golf lovers gathering and competition!
Club activity are popular!

We held company event such as bike touring, lure fishing at Hamana Lake or Biwa Lake, and golf are the most popular activity within the company.

Golf lovers gather and hold regular competition!

Listening to employee opinion and set up a rest area!

There are 3 rest areas where you can relax after work time by using camping trailer, and it can encourage good communication among employees.

We are listening to employee opinion and  set up a rest area!